Ali Bordeaux: the intense pissing scene

Ali Bordeaux, the tattooed brunette who loves piss
Sexy brunette Ali Bordeaux loves piss
Sexy brunette Ali Bordeaux is back on Wet and Pissy and finds herself in an office writing when she feels the urge. She starts to caress her pussy through her pants and starts to get wetter and wetter. Ali gets up and starts pissing himself, creating a wet spot on his leg. Once her pissing session is over, she takes off her pants and sucks the fabric soaked with her urine. This naughty girl loves the taste of her own piss! We get close to her soaking wet pussy while she spreads her legs wide. She catches a stream of piss in a bowl and pours it into her mouth to taste her urine. Some of her hot drops of urine are also poured onto her tank top, making it transparent! Once completely naked, she bends over the desk and fingers her pussy with a glass dildo. There's still time for more pee action. Ali ends by masturbating while peeing on the floor!
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