Amanda Clarke: An intense and exciting pissing session

Amanda Clarke: An intense and exciting pissing session
Amanda Clarke lets loose in an intense pissing session
Join busty Amanda Clarke in a steamy pissing session on Wet and Pissy. Wearing a white mini dress, she is already touching herself on the couch when we join her. Amanda climbs on the coffee table and, holding a glass vase under her pussy, she pisses into it, filling the vase with her golden pee. This sexy slut then spills her pee all over her white dress and, once wet enough, strips completely naked, showing off her curves. She fingers herself while standing and, suddenly, feels the need to pee again. She then lets her golden liquid flow out onto the coffee table. She then dives into her puddle of pee and gets it all over her tits before licking the rest of her pee. Amanda continues fingering her pussy and, when the urge to pee takes over, she grabs her vase again and sprays it all over her face! Standing on all fours on the floor, she sticks a red dildo in her pussy and, after an intense orgasm, pisses one last time on the floor!
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