Oprah in an intense pissing scene on Wet and Pissy

Wet and Pissy - Pissing Pornstar
Blonde Oprah fingers herself and pisses on the couch
Blonde Oprah is back on Wet and Pissy and is sexier than ever! Wearing a red outfit and black stockings, she fondles her big tits and reaches for her panties to satisfy her need to pee. She pees through her pants, drenching the couch and floor. She sucks on her wet underwear before getting naked and fondling her pussy. She fingers herself and pisses again, this time on her shirt. She wipes it off and presses it to her chest before sitting on the couch to caress herself with red love eggs. She stops to squirt all over the couch and rubs her tits against her juices while licking them at the same time. This pornstar fingers herself with a glass dildo and strokes herself with her ass in the air before switching positions and masturbating to a squirting orgasm!
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