Jennifer Mendes: A wet and exciting pissing session

Jennifer Mendes: A wet and exciting pissing session
Our curvaceous teen Jennifer Mendes is back on Wet and Pissy in our latest scene
Jennifer Mendes, our curvaceous teen, is back on Wet and Pissy in our latest scene. She is dressed in sportswear that shows off her curves. This sexy brunette shows off her plump butt in the tight fabric and suddenly feels a pressing desire. She is standing on a leather chair with one leg raised when a wet spot forms on her panties. Jennifer kneels on the floor and splashes in her puddle of urine. She takes off her yoga leggings to suck her juices and fingers her neatly trimmed pussy. This horny teen pisses like a fountain on the floor and jumps into the water naked. She inserts a red speculum into her pussy and spreads it wide open. While she is spread apart, she pees on the floor again and continues fingering and masturbating. Once she reaches orgasm, Jennifer holds a glass under her and fills it with one last squirt before drinking it and pouring it over her chest!
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