Melani's Debut: Wet and Pissy - A Sexy and Kinky Newcomer

Melani's Debut: Wet and Pissy
Melani wets her underwear and drinks her own urine
Join us for the first time on Wet and Pissy with the gorgeous Melani Mendes. This hot and sexy slut is wearing a mini skirt and a crop top, getting her underwear wet while stroking herself. She sits down and starts wetting her panties, and we move closer to zoom in on her stream of piss. Melani strips naked and uses a rag to wipe the floor before getting wet again. She tastes her own urine as she drinks it and fingers her pussy before pissing again. This slut has plenty of golden juice to release, and she splashes it all over her body before using a dildo to make herself cum. Melani fills a glass with her pee and splashes it all over her body before reaching orgasm and splashing herself on the floor one last time.
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