Brunette Bombshell Ali Bordeaux: Pissing and Masturbating

Brunette Bomb Ali Bordeaux: Pees and Masturbates
Ali Bordeaux, a sexy and tattooed brunette
Brunette Ali Bordeaux, dressed in fishnet stockings and a tank top, caresses herself in the dining room. She reveals her shaved pussy and shows off her tattooed body. Ali is terribly excited; she lifts her tank top and kneads her small breasts. She strips completely naked and puts one leg on the glass table, letting out a stream of her golden pee onto her tank top. She squeezes it out of her body and brings it to her mouth to drink. After fingering herself some more, Ali grabs a cup and kneels on the table to piss herself in it. She tries to fill it as much as possible, emptying herself completely. She uses a pipette to inject pee into her vagina, washes her pussy with her urine and ejaculates on the table. She caresses herself and licks her pee. She lies back in her mess, fingering herself and sucking her fingers. She spreads her legs and rips off her fishnet stockings, spraying the table with pulsing streams of pee. She sticks a dildo in her vagina and gets on all fours, working herself to orgasm and ending with a piss while standing on the floor!
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